I was totally exhausted when I started to write about the worst experience that I came across on the 06 th day of the 07 th month in 2009 English calendar.Even though I was very tired I wanted certain things to be brought out of my mind and draft it in a notepad so that I can at least have a good sleep.
06 th July 2009,the day which started off with a high energy level and positive mood,gradually decreased to zero and even reached its negative peak at one point of time.It was the day which made my mood to touch both the extremes in the last 18 months of my IT carrier.It was all about my work that taxed me heavily in one day and made me realise that it was all because of this stress ,people run away to persue their Master's degree who started off their carrier as IT professionals.
The clock behind the security's head struck 9.50 Am when I signed in the register that holds the details of associates carrying bags inside the office premises.I could see the usual faces who would come early in the morning as I walk to my cubile.As the servers running in my machine were restarted,I went through 'Ergo' ,free daily that's being issued around some companies in chennai.Even though I dont believe in horoscope, astrology and stuff,I just had a look at the daily horoscope that was published in Ergo and for my sun sign Aries, Ganesha said that the first half of the day will be gud and the next half will be dull which may vary the mood.I dint care much about that and started to just do my routine work.
I started the day's work with the testing task that I had to complete before end of the day.It was slow till 11.30 and I went to have a coffee with my friend.I got a SIT bug in between my testing task around 1 AM and on analysing that I came to know that it was because of some other system. By the time I completed the analysis,we got a call and it was my onsite co-ordinator and the call was handed over to me since I had analysed the problem. While explaining the problem to him, he stopped me in between and the conversation went this way
He: Why did u look at this issue? I already know that this is not the problem from our side.
Me: This is the one which you told us to look into and so I analysed it.
He: Oh I think I had sent u the wrong defect number, you don't look into this issue but rather look into this defect.
Me: OK.
I got a new defect to look into and it was criticality 1 issue which needs to be delivered as soon as possible.By the time I started to just read the defect, it was 1.30 and my friend called me for lunch.I had lunch and came back at 2.30 and I continued to look into the issue and was also doing the testing task side by side. When it was nearing completion around 4.00 and I heard a mild ring tone,the tone was familiar to me and I could hear it for quite sometime and when I removed the left side headset of my Apple ipod,I could hear the tone loudly and it was my project's extn and the telephone was waiting for someone to lift the reciever so that it could stop making the same old noise,then I immediately got off my seat and took the reciever before it could wantedly stop ringing.
I heard a voice that enquired my name in a strained voice and it was my onsite co-ordinator again who wanted to talk to me .The moment I told that it was me only ,he instantly enquired about the last month task that was developed and delivered by me and he asked me to explain certain things in it. I dint expect that to happen at that time and I was searching for words to explain. I was very confused and I was thinking and recollecting the task that I did.He was shooting questions at me and I was thinking of what to answer because it was the current testing task that was running in my mind.
I would say that every IT developer would think for sometime even if u show the code that was developed by him/her and ask him/her to explain it and you would have nod your head on reading this statement if you were a developer working in an IT industry.He then asked me to open a mail that he had sent one month back.
As the fixed line phone was not at my desk I could not open the mail,but I knew that my superior's sytem, which was very near to my access has a copy in its Lotus inbox but it is locked and she had gone for a break at that time.I tried to unlock it by giving the common passwords but it was all in vain and after three wrong attempts the account has been locked. He was waiting till that time and he asked a stright forward question
He: Do you have a copy or not ? Did u first recieve it? ,
Me: I do have it but it's in my desk and I couldn't access the nearby systems.He: Ok then, Please give me your mobile number.... Here ends Part I of my unceratin day's experience.... just continue with Part II so that you can pre-determine the happenings in IT and you can even be prepared to tackle such a situation if you happen to come across it...